Tend Ministries provides personalized mentoring and strategic planning for pastors and church leaders. We believe in cultivating the potential of every ministry and leader to achieve greater impact and growth.
We offer 3 packages that range from 15 hrs to 40+ hrs of service over a 1 year period.
Our strategy is Listen, Learn, & Lead. We begin by Listening to you. We endeavor to personalize every situation. Next We learn. We make sure we fully understand your unique context, vision, and needs before we make any recommendations. Our goal is to provide you the best solution we can offer as we come along side of you. Finally, we will be there with you to Lead with you. That’s right we want to mentor you as long as it takes to make sure that you finish well.

Tend Ministries is dedicated to providing personal, professional, and organizational development for pastors, leaders, and churches. We believe in the power of nurturing dreams, addressing challenges with wisdom, and bringing about transformation. We are committed to cultivating care, connection and collaboration in your church, your life, and your ministry.

Bryan Kenville
I have known Pastor Carol Ball to be a thoughtful and compassionate leader. She offers a listening ear and a safe space that helps you open up about life's challenges. I have benefited repeatedly when she has spoken prophetically in my life with both insight and clarity. I have often been blessed by Carol's love for the word of God and the strong teaching gift she brings. My congregation has also benefited greatly form both Carol's teaching and prophetic ministries. Pastor Chris Ball is a true friend and has personally walked with me through some dark time in ministry. I am grateful for the wisdom that he brings from years of experience and how he shares with with humor and never an "I told yo so" attitude. I find his honest and straightforward approach to be both disarming and encouraging, helping me to find clarity and see various challenges I am facing from a fresh, faith-filed perspective. He has been a blessing repeatedly to my churches as well, ministering to the entire congregation.

Justin & Freda Thomas
Chris and Carol’s ministry has been essential for our growth as leaders. Their experience navigating challenging situations has given us clarity to navigate our own. Their friendship and understanding of pastoring have lightened the load of ministry. We’ve laughed together, celebrated victories together, and prayed for challenges together. During our sabbatical, Chris came beside our leadership, checking in with them, visiting, preaching, and answering any needed questions. And they're not just interested in us as leaders but also as individuals, our marriage, and even our children. “Uncle Chris” is the name that our kids use! We’ve leaned on them, listened to them, and received prophetic words from them. Every leader needs a Chris and Carol Ball in their life. As I have navigated the complexities of pastor leadership, I’ve realized that it is a rare person who understands what a leader is going through, Chris and Carol do and that is invaluable to those who lead. Chris & Carol carry wisdom from decades of leadership, but without the hardness that can often come from such experience. Their unique calling is to raise up leaders in the church and the marketplace who can become who God has called them to be in a world full of copies and echos. We are deeply grateful for their friendship and mentoring. In a world filled with numerous strategies, new ideas, and workshops, it is challenging to find people who truly walk with you and care for you as a person.

Michelle Kenville
Chris Ball has been a mentor and friend to me through the years. He has a heart for loving people and genuinely takes an interest in the details of my life. With humility and transparency, he has guided me and shared the wisdom he has accumulated through his many years of service. Chris has been a constant encourager during the highs and lows of ministry, helping me see beyond the present and challenging me to step into the full potential God has planned for me. Chris is a true shepherd, with a desire to pour himself into God's people. I have been blessed by his ministry. Carol Ball is a treasure. Through the years she has spoken into my life with truth, humor and genuine love. She has a tremendous ability to teach and impart wisdom from God's word in a manner that is simple yet profound. I've seen Carol bring together generations of women with a goal of releasing and fulfilling God's destiny for our lives. She imparts her heart to men and women, challenging us all to walk with wholehearted devotion to Christ.
Ron & Cyndi Neff
From the first time my wife and I met Chris Ball in 2006 the Holy Spirit spoke through his heart to minister life to us during a very difficult season. Since then, Chris and Carol have continued to walk alongside us during some of the most painful and complex problems we have faced in life and in ministry. God has used them both to encourage, comfort, and strengthen our personal lives and the life of our church by bringing counsel and care at crucial moments. They have also helped to cultivate the Spirit-filled life through discipleship, training, and leadership support. They are a gift to the Church and a blessing to my wife and I personally. We believe ministry flows from relationship and authority functions from healthy position of non-controlling accountability. When we understand how authority works, we can walk in a place of unthreatened security, freedom, and peace. Some men and women claim to be fathers and mothers in the faith, some claim to be a pastor to pastors, but Pastors Chris and Carol live it out practically and relationally because they love beyond words; they love like Jesus.